Guiding clients to 2x growth

Business Advisory

I specialize in creating the conditions for scale.

My business advisory practice is all about helping Founders/CEOs and their leadership teams create the foundations for doubling revenue. Each stage of growth—whether they are moving from 10 to 20 million, 25 to 50 million, or beyond—requires new approaches to the company’s growth engine, its organization, and its operational execution.

What's keeping you from doubling your business?

  • Salespeople have too many admin/operations tasks, which is taking them away from selling.
  • Too much depends on the founder or key people, creating bottlenecks that frustrate clients and limit growth.
  • You can’t grow without adding people, which is increasing costs and making it hard to scale efficiently.
  • Teams aren’t working together, causing misalignment, delays, and inefficient execution across departments.
  • You are constantly putting out fires, instead of focusing on important strategic initiatives.
  • Things are falling through the cracks, leading to missed deadlines and opportunities.
  • You don’t know where to invest for the next phase of growth.

I work with my clients to build the enablers.

Next-Level Growth Engine

Scale starts with simplification.

Early success relies on solving core customer problems, but as businesses grow, product strategy evolves from achieving product-market fit to refining and streamlining the core offering for efficient replication. Once the product can be replicated at scale, the focus shifts to diversification and enterprise readiness, adapting the product to serve larger, more complex customers while aligning with a scalable go-to-market approach.

Right Organization

Scale requires structure.

As companies accelerate, early reliance on founders and a small team of generalists gives way to the need for size and specialization. Over time, leaders must learn to delegate to a middle management, ensuring that teams can operate independently and effectively. As growth continues, the challenge shifts to managing complexity, preserving cross-functional collaboration, and maintaining the agility and culture that fueled early success.

Great Execution

Scale is bred from discipline.

Fast-growing companies quickly flame out unless they transform their artisanal, brute-force operations into consistent and easily replicated ways of working that promote hiring, operational excellence, and profitability. It’s about creating the “operating system” to meet increasing demands without sacrificing quality or speed. As complexity increases, the focus turns to improving flexibility and resilience without compromising scale.

What People Say About Working with Me