Bold Leadership and Operational Clarity for Data & Insights Businesses
Every Saturday morning, you’ll get insight and practical tips to improve your company’s performance and execution. And you might just learn something for yourself as well. It’s fast and free.
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Newsletter Archive
Looking for the old Great Exec/ution Newsletter archive?
Issue 36: Measure Second. Align First
Don’t assume that having a measurable goal means that everyone’s aligned on how to achieve it.
Issue 35: After the Layoff
Layoffs are rarely the end; they are often just the beginning of a much harder process.
Issue 34: Scaling CS
CS can be a driver of scale, but without discipline it is more burden than boon.
Issue 33: Celebrating Hypocrisy
The road to burnout is paved with acts of operational heroism.
Issue 32: The Peril of Consensus
Without clear decision-making authority, good ideas die in the quicksand of consensus.
Issue 31: The Goals You UNset
The best-run teams have the discipline to ask not just What should we do? but also What should we stop doing?
Issue 30: Why Broken Processes Don’t Get Fixed
The arc of client-facing work always bends toward urgency. Take people off the assembly line and give them the responsibility to work on the important stuff.
Issue 29: Flexibility
Is being flexible limiting your growth and profitability? Here’s how to ensure that doing right by your customers doesn’t mean doing wrong by your business.
Issue 28: Quality
Never compromising on quality may be bad for your business if you don’t actually know what quality is.