Hi, I'm JD.
I help leaders scale their businesses and careers.

[ My Leadership Story ]

I nearly got fired from a job that would change my life.

After ten years of hard work, I realized I was stuck.

I had been in the same mid-level post for five years, but I was going nowhere. Like so many other things in my life, I was a great starter, but often struggled to deliver.

Then, I got the opportunity of a lifetime: a high stakes project based overseas. I jumped at the chance. Six months in, my boss gave me crushing news.

I wasn’t getting the job done. If I didn’t turn things around, I’d be out.

It was the wake-up call I needed.

After recovering from the initial shock of that meeting, I dove headfirst into mastering disciplined leadership.

I quickly realized that the signal-to-noise ratio is appallingly low. Most leadership advice is motivational rhetoric—long on emotion and short on action. 

So I built my own leadership framework. 

Things clicked, and I never looked back.

My efforts paid off. Not only did I turn things around, I got the NEXT job, which was a massive increase in responsibility, team size, and compensation.

And what started off as a total struggle for me suddenly became easy. Not in the sense that it wasn’t hard work. But that it was work I loved and excelled at doing.

The journey has been hugely satisfying. I’ve scaled businesses of all sizes, from bootstrapped startups to PE scale-ups to public companies. I’ve led nearly every corporate function, from sales and marketing, to operations and product, and even human resources. I have exited two companies, one of which became its industry’s first unicorn.

Now, I’m sharing my approach to help others propel their careers and their businesses to new heights.

I write about four topics.


Effective Leadership

Equipping leaders to connect their visions to actions that drive success, and to personally instill a culture of excellence.


Operational Excellence

Designing and aligning the company’s operating model and processes to effectively realize the strategic vision, ensuring that every action and decision propels the organization toward its performance objectives.


Team Dynamics

Elevating the interplay between leaders, managers, and employees that nurtures a growth-oriented, accountable, and collaborative workforce, enabling the team to achieve its full potential.


Purposeful Communication

Highlighting the strategic role of communication in execution, crucial for disseminating information, fostering shared understanding, and mobilizing the workforce towards common goals.

I will help you
outperform. have impact. enable scale. build confidence. drive growth. lead.

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