JD's Newsletter


Bold leadership, operational clarity, and a belief that great businesses are built on focus, execution, and great people who make it happen.

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    The Hardest Thing

    Read time: 4 minutes

    In this edition

    This week’s newsletter is devoted to the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do as a leader. As your business grows and changes, sometimes you have to leave people behind.

    Let me know what you think.

    The Hardest Thing

    Firing poor performers and jerks is easy. I don’t lose sleep over that.

    There have been times in my past, though, where I have said goodbye to people who were once good performers, even great ones. I’m not talking about needing to make cuts because of financial pressures. Yes, that is indeed hard. What I’m referring to here are situations where, despite being great colleagues, sometimes people don’t have what it takes to continue the journey.

    Letting them go was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

    These were people I knew I could count on, and I had counted on, to deliver.

    They were loyal.

    They were assets to the company not just for their performance, but for their contributions to culture as well.

    And yet, through no fault of their own, the organization had grown up or had changed. Now, we needed something more or different. This new competence required experience they didn’t have or couldn’t learn.

    These situations are quite common in growth-stage companies. I see them happening increasingly in larger firms as well, especially those undergoing significant transformation.

    There are two choices you have as a leader.

    1. You can remain loyal to the person knowing that you will fall short of your goals, or
    2. You can make a tough decision and have an even tougher meeting where you put performance first.

    Nobody ever said leadership was easy.

    LinkedIn Roundup

    When you’re ready, there are two other ways I can help. Email me at hello@jddeitch.com for more information.

    Business Advisory

    I help growth-stage leaders and investors in B2B tech-enabled services businesses align strategy with execution. I focus on the twin engines of execution excellence—process and people—to transform your business, paving the way for growth and enhanced profitability.

    Transaction Support

    With 20+ years of operating experience and a substantial M&A track record, I help investors evaluate strategic and operational strengths and weaknesses and navigate post-deal risks to unlock value.

    About me

    Learn more about me on ​my website​, and let’s connect on ​LinkedIn​.

    When you’re ready, let me know how I can help:

    Business Advisory
    I help growth-stage leaders and investors in B2B tech-enabled services businesses align strategy with execution. I focus on the twin engines of execution excellence—process and people—to transform your business, paving the way for growth and enhanced profitability.

    Investment Advisory & Transaction Support
    From pre-deal diligence through to post-deal execution and integration, I leverage my deep operating and M&A experience to identify and mitigate risks. I guide management teams of portfolio companies as they pursue their business plans to achieve growth and unlock shareholder value.

    MRA Transformation
    With 20+ years of proven operating experience, I help market research agencies transform their operations to stay competitive and scale. I work with leadership teams to redesign their organizations, rebuild processes and functions, upgrade technology and adopt new, more efficient ways of working.

    Premium Ghostwriting
    I provide premium confidential ghostwriting services to busy executives in the consumer insights, data and analytics sectors. An accomplished executive and respected thought leader myself, I have the knowledge, experience, and track record to help you become a thought leader, motivate your teams, and build your personal or company brand.