JD Deitch

picture of JD Deitch

Hi, I'm J.D. Deitch.

I help businesses grow up, scale up, transform, and exit.

I Believe in Great Execution

We all have dreams.

Whether they are about the life we want to live, or the work we want to do, or the things we hope to achieve, each of us has desires. 

For most people though—and for most businesses—the dream is never the problem: it’s the doing.

The challenges tied to execution are messy and daunting. Big ideas take time and people and resources. You’re forced to make tradeoffs. Uncertainty clouds your decision-making.

But if you don’t try—if you don’t start some place—then you’ll never get anywhere. And the bigger the dream, the better the doing needs to be.

I’ve become good at getting really hard things done. It didn’t come easy to me, but over time it has become my greatest skill and the source of my success. 

It goes beyond translating strategy into action, or building scalable processes, or setting goals and consistently achieving them. 

Great execution is also about getting the most out of people as well. Finding the right ones, trusting them, developing them, and watching them achieve their own dreams. Great execution is implicitly an act of collective excellence.

If you’re looking to unlock value in your business—be it fixing current problems, building for the future, or contemplating new ventures—let’s talk.

About Me

For the past 20+ years, I’ve worked in consumer data and digital market research businesses. I am a quantitative researcher and statistician (Ph.D. in Political Science) by training who managed to chart a course to general management.

Over my career, I’ve established a track record of scaling global businesses and navigating them through complex transitions to unlock value and deliver growth.

I have led nearly every corporate function, from sales and marketing to operations, product and HR. I’ve worked for and with a wide spectrum of businesses, from small startups with 2M€ in revenue to mid-sized private equity portfolio companies with 80M€ in revenue to public companies turning over more than 2B€ per year.

My experience includes two successful exits and significant M&A work (buy-side and sell-side) on all deal phases, spanning valuation justifications to post-deal integration and synergy realization.

While I originate from America, I currently live in France and have significant ties to the UK. My international career has provided me with a broad perspective on building and managing successful multinational businesses with diverse and highly-motivated teams.

Away from professional commitments, I serve as the elected Chair of the Manchester United Supporters Trust, the UK’s largest independent fan organization. I am also a judge for the Salon du Fromage in Paris. To wind down, I enjoy classical singing, hence the name of my company.

Let me help you outperform. have impact. enable scale. build confidence. drive growth. lead.
What are you waiting for?
Get in touch today.

Email me at hello at jddeitch dot com